Interest toward schooling is a process that contributes to learning and achievement. That is, being interested in coming to school is a mental resource that enhances learning, which then leads to better performance and achievement. Due to alarming attendance problem that may lead to dropping out, the study attempts to establish a baseline quantitative data on the Grade 7 students. 141 Grade 7 students were selected from the whole population. It was found out that Family Background ranked first as the most influential determinant of interest toward schooling. It is followed by
Teacher Factor which ranked second. Meanwhile,
Academic Performance ranked third,
Residence/Location ranked fourth,
Financial-related Factor ranked fifth, and
Health is last in rank. Overall, the respondents
Agree that the determinants mentioned in the study are
Influential to students’ interest toward schooling. In addition, no significant difference on the determinants of interest toward schooling when respondents are grouped based on their profile variables.